Stay On Track


It happens to the best of us. We start out so fired up. We push ourselves to eat healthy & workout. Then it happens, the one thing we all go through. That’s right “Life”. It smacks us right in the face. Some of us it takes six months, some a year, some of us can even push for two or three years before it happens.

That’s right life. You start a new job or some new business venture, your spouse decides to go back & get that degree they so have longed for; your kids start playing some others sport and you have to get them to each & ever practice. These normal life changes can make your daily routine completely out of whack.

A few weeks go by and you find yourself saying ” Next week, I’ll be able to get into it. Monday, I’m gonna start back with Zumba. Next weekend, I should be able to get my meals prepped. I’ll be back in the gym next week. Blah, blah-blah, blah-blah. We’ve all done it at some in time where we feel like we sort of lost control and got off track.

Truth be told, it is so easy to get off track. You miss a few workouts, have a few evening desserts, or go to that one potluck where everyone brings great dishes to partake in, and bam you have put on a few pounds & maybe gained a few inches that you had been working so hard to get off.

Instead of complaining about being off track, lets do all the little things to get back in the right direction. Here are a few tips to get you back on track.

1. Remember, its a marathon not a sprint!

It took you years to put the weight on and if you have 50lbs or more that you are trying to lose, its not gonna all come off on your 6 Weeks to Shred or your 90 Day Plan to be fit. It may take multiple 90 day plans that will eventually get you there. Enjoy the journey of seeing your body transition.

2. Plan Your Attack!

No army of any kind ever goes into battle without having some sort of a plan. If you don’t know what you want to accomplish then how will you know when you have reached your goal. You all have probably seen this quote some where along the lines but it is so true “If you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail. People who just wake up out bed and go about their day with absolutely no plan of how they are going to get rid of that last 10 or 20 pounds will probably be working at it for a long time. But that person who have some sort of a workout schedule, their meals are prepped, and tracking their weekly goals will reach their milestone much sooner. Keep Planning and Keep Attacking!

3. Set New Goals!

Challenge yourself to a new goal. Maybe run a 5K, a Mud Run, an Endurance Run, or enter you 1st Physique Contest.

4. Have fun!

If you are not having fun, then you won’t stick to it. Whether it’s crossfit, going to your local gym, group kickboxing class, or pressing play on your P90X video. Just figure out what works for you.

5. Get Rid Of Your Overweight Clothes!

Don’t allow yourself to be tempted with some of your old clothing. Get rid of them and don’t let those clothes allow you to keep putting on those few extra pounds. When you fill it getting snug, this might be your first sign to get back on track.

6. Get An Accountability Partner

It helps knowing that someone else understands the struggle of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Have someone that will be brutally honest with you even when it might sometime hurt but they can keep you accountable of your own goals. Don’t go through life trying do it all by your lonesome. Have someone hold you accountable to what you want to accomplish.

7. Keep Grinding & Don’t Quit!

You might get off track, you might be going through some struggles in life but the one thing you can’t do is quit and give up. Keep Pushing and Stay On Track!


So what will you do this week to get back on track? Leave a comment below.

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