Stay On Track


It happens to the best of us. We start out so fired up. We push ourselves to eat healthy & workout. Then it happens, the one thing we all go through. That’s right “Life”. It smacks us right in the face. Some of us it takes six months, some a year, some of us can even push for two or three years before it happens.

That’s right life. You start a new job or some new business venture, your spouse decides to go back & get that degree they so have longed for; your kids start playing some others sport and you have to get them to each & ever practice. These normal life changes can make your daily routine completely out of whack.

A few weeks go by and you find yourself saying ” Next week, I’ll be able to get into it. Monday, I’m gonna start back with Zumba. Next weekend, I should be able to get my meals prepped. I’ll be back in the gym next week. Blah, blah-blah, blah-blah. We’ve all done it at some in time where we feel like we sort of lost control and got off track.

Truth be told, it is so easy to get off track. You miss a few workouts, have a few evening desserts, or go to that one potluck where everyone brings great dishes to partake in, and bam you have put on a few pounds & maybe gained a few inches that you had been working so hard to get off.

Instead of complaining about being off track, lets do all the little things to get back in the right direction. Here are a few tips to get you back on track.

1. Remember, its a marathon not a sprint!

It took you years to put the weight on and if you have 50lbs or more that you are trying to lose, its not gonna all come off on your 6 Weeks to Shred or your 90 Day Plan to be fit. It may take multiple 90 day plans that will eventually get you there. Enjoy the journey of seeing your body transition.

2. Plan Your Attack!

No army of any kind ever goes into battle without having some sort of a plan. If you don’t know what you want to accomplish then how will you know when you have reached your goal. You all have probably seen this quote some where along the lines but it is so true “If you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail. People who just wake up out bed and go about their day with absolutely no plan of how they are going to get rid of that last 10 or 20 pounds will probably be working at it for a long time. But that person who have some sort of a workout schedule, their meals are prepped, and tracking their weekly goals will reach their milestone much sooner. Keep Planning and Keep Attacking!

3. Set New Goals!

Challenge yourself to a new goal. Maybe run a 5K, a Mud Run, an Endurance Run, or enter you 1st Physique Contest.

4. Have fun!

If you are not having fun, then you won’t stick to it. Whether it’s crossfit, going to your local gym, group kickboxing class, or pressing play on your P90X video. Just figure out what works for you.

5. Get Rid Of Your Overweight Clothes!

Don’t allow yourself to be tempted with some of your old clothing. Get rid of them and don’t let those clothes allow you to keep putting on those few extra pounds. When you fill it getting snug, this might be your first sign to get back on track.

6. Get An Accountability Partner

It helps knowing that someone else understands the struggle of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Have someone that will be brutally honest with you even when it might sometime hurt but they can keep you accountable of your own goals. Don’t go through life trying do it all by your lonesome. Have someone hold you accountable to what you want to accomplish.

7. Keep Grinding & Don’t Quit!

You might get off track, you might be going through some struggles in life but the one thing you can’t do is quit and give up. Keep Pushing and Stay On Track!


So what will you do this week to get back on track? Leave a comment below.

Weight Loss / Fitness / Spousal Support

So I figured I would dive right into this topic of being on this journey of weight loss & being a more fit person. After speaking with lots of people and reading different blogs & posts online, I kept coming across this same conversation.

“My spouse don’t support my weight loss goals.”

“I try eating healthy but my husband keeps bringing junk food in the house“My wife says she supports me but will never work out with whether it be at the gym or at home.”

“My husband started out working out with me but after he lost like 20lbs in two weeks, he’s not into it anymore & said I’m not working hard enough.”

“My wife said that she’s supports me but it was simply that; she just said it.”

I figured I would stop there because this could go on and on like the Energizer Bunny. Let’s be honest, you could remove the topic of health & wellness and replace it pretty much anything else and it would fit the cause. My spouse doesn’t support….(My Job, My Family, My Friends, My Dog, My Cat, My Religion & etc…).

Maybe we are to hard on our spouses when it comes to getting their “support”. Maybe because over the years you have started & stop so many of these “I’m gonna get in shape” routines that what your spouse is really saying is “Here we go again”. They tell their co-workers that “I”ll be eating rabbit food for the next couple of weeks, my husband running 5K in a few weeks. Once the 5K is over, he’ll be back to his old routines.

Ok ok ok, you are absolutely right, I don’t know your spouse & maybe they really don’t care and has verbalized that to you on more than one occasion. Maybe this isn’t even about healthy eating habits or having a work out partner. Maybe, there is just a real lack of communication in the household. And if it is, you have a much larger issue than trying to prep Paleo meals or making your own protein bars. And that’s a completely different blog you should be reading…

Over the years, I have had all kind of crazy ideas and things I’ve tried. I have tried everything from Multi-Level Marketing (Lots of companies) to selling sunglasses at the local flea market. I went from learning about flipping houses in real estate to renting kids bounce houses out on the weekends.

I knew well in advance that before I approach my wife about asking her to support me on anything that I had to simply prove it to myself first and foremost. For me, I didn’t need anyone else’s support. I had to go all in by my lonesome and prove to me. This had nothing to do with my spouse, my kids, my job or anything else. It was making a decision for myself and following through with it.

I already knew my wife would be thinking, “Here we go again” So you got a Total Gym that never really get used, we have the Beachbody P90, Jillian Michaels, Body by Jake, and every other workout video. We have the Ab Roller in the back of the closet somewhere. Instead of asking for her “support” again, I just started.

Christmas night 2013, I made a Decision to myself to start grinding each and every day hence the website name “On The Grind”. I had my reason Why, I set a realistic Goal, I found a Fitness Plan that fit the results I wanted to get. I found a simple Meal Plan that I could implement and not interrupt my family’s weekly meals. Last but not least I Tracked my progress each and every week.

I knew well before hand that this would need to be a complete lifestyle overhaul and not just another Spring weight loss fad. And after a few months of getting up at 3:45 in the morning to go to the gym along restraining from eating certain foods my wife realize that I was pretty serious in what I was trying to reach. Our biggest argument was probably, “Oh, so you are to good to eat my food all of a sudden”. I simply sort of just laughed that off and kept grinding because she slowly started to realize that I was in it for the long haul.

I don’t know which camp you are parked in right now. My spouse don’t support me. My spouse don’t support my healthy eating habits. My spouse don’t care, My spouse won’t work out with me. You might be in one of these situation right now and yes it is difficult to get through but it’s not the end of the world. You will get through it!

So what, if they don’t want to eat rabbit food right now; so what, if they not into working out or going to the gym; so what, if they are still bringing home jelly-filled donuts, your favorite ice cream and your favorite cookies everyday. So What! It doesn’t matter! Believe me when I tell you that you can do it. Whether they are onboard or not, do it for yourself. Make a decision to change and just roll with the punches.

And maybe just maybe if your spouse see that you are actually in it for the long haul, they just might eventually come around. It may take 90 days, six months, a year or even longer. I honestly believe that if your spouse see you are making a honest lifestyle change, they might just slowly come around. Heck, they married you didn’t they. Furthermore, marriage is not a sprint, it’s a journey.

Whether your spouse is on board with you goals or not, give it some time. Meanwhile, keep grinding. Put one foot in front of the other and keep pressing forward. No one ever said it would be easy because if it was easy then everyone would do it.

If you have dealt with this topic, what are your thoughts? Leave a comment below. Thanks!


Stay On The Grind…



Its About Progress Not Perfection

So a year has gone by for me that including weekly meal prepping, morning workouts, healthy snacking & just some good ol fashion grinding. This also includes my two hour round trip to work, still coaching youth sports, staying active in my local church & still able to have date nights with my wife.

Has it been hard and frustrating? Yes, absolutely. The one thing I promised myself from the very beginning is that I couldn’t give up. From being around 305lbs to hovering around 250lbs, I actually was able to drop the weight & shed some fat. Even though I haven’t reached my personal goal, I’m slowly chipping away at it.  


I have had a lot weeks that were great and some that seem like I just couldn’t get on track. I tried a multitude of food, recipes, & snacks to see what actually fit my taste buds. If I didn’t like what I was eating then I wasn’t gonna be able to stick with it. From pushing myself to do exercises that I completely suck at or trying to figure when to raise or lower my carbs, it has been roller coaster ride. I guess what I’m trying to say is just keep pounding the pavement toward your goal, keep pressing play on that workout video, and find motivation wherever to keep you inspired on a day to day. Whether it’s a great track list on your iPod, an inspirational clip on YouTube, or your favorite fitness professional, keep moving. You have come this far because of the decision you made to yourself so keep going & don’t give up. With that, just Stay On The Grind



This number can't be right!
This number can’t be right!


If you have ever been involved in any sort of weight loss regimen, you probably have reached that dreaded point where it seems whatever you seem to do the scale just doesn’t budge anymore. Most people know this term as the “plateau“.

The plateau is defined as a state of little or no change following a period of activity or progress

Yep, that’s right… You have shifted your workout and meals into that next gear, life is going good, and then it happens. The scale just stops. You are doing all the right things. Your workouts are going well and you are feeling like you are making progress but that darn scale just doesn’t move anymore. Heck, sometimes it will even go up a pound or two.

So what do you do? Well, here is a great post from one of the most popular and sought after trainer in the game today to break it down for ya. The one and only Jillian Michaels! Here is what she has to say about breaking through a plateau.





Ok, I admit just like everyone else I have issues with willpower especially when it comes to dark chocolate covered almonds. It might be the one thing that’s hard stay away from. I’m not a big pastry, cookies, or cake person. I don’t do a candy but there just something about those chocolate covered almonds.

Most of us believe that willpower is some sort of magical formula that only a few of us are born with. I personally believe it’s really not willpower but priorities. Scientist and psychologist deem “willpower” as self-control and smart decision-making strategies.

So, if your excuse for falling off the weight loss wagon is that you don’t have the willpower, it simply means you have to hone in your self-control & decision-making strategies.

  • Change how you define willpower

Think of willpower as game plan. I mean a basketball team doesn’t just show up and play game each week. Nope, they practice, they practice, and they practice some more. Whether you know it or not, they practice for every possible situation that may come up in a game. Instead of saying that you have no willpower ask yourself how to handle the situation.

If you are saying, “I don’t eat vegetables.” What you are really saying is that I choose not to eat vegetables. Maybe because you were simply forced to eat your veggies growing up as a kid and now as an adult you will find every possible excuse why not to eat them. And simply put, if you want something bad enough, you will figure a way to make it happen.

There is a solution to most problems you just have to start looking for the solutions and stop dwelling on the problem. You will just need to figure out what veggies that you really don’t mind eating

  •  Set yourself up for success.

You’ve probably heard the old adage that luck is where preparation meets opportunity. The same can be said for willpower—a little prep work can help you make healthy choices. Avoid buying chips and cookies. If you buy chocolate, buy bite-size.” Look at it this way—if you can resist buying chips at the grocery store, you only have to resist temptation once. If you buy the chips, you’ll have to resist temptationevery single timeyou walk past your kitchen.

  • Get your rest in

Making sure you get sound sleep is a great way to improve your willpower. Managing stress and adequate sleep are as they are as critical as eating your fruits and vegetables and being physically active. No matter how busy you are, make sure you get a good night’s sleep and carve out a few minutes each day to de-stress. It can make a world of difference to your willpower.

  • Focus on tomorrow’s goal, not today’s mistakes.

When you’re on any sort of a weight loss plan, it’s easy to obsess over the occasional a high-calorie snack here or maybe you skipped work out there, and lose sight of your long-term goal. But the ability to rally after a setback may be more important than the ability to make great decisions all the time. “A set-back is a set-up for a comeback. You will have to dig deep and let your inner most self-know that come hell or high water, I’m going to reach my goal. Whether it takes six months or two years, you have to steady the course and be there for the long haul.

So the next time you’re tempted to curse your lack of willpower, remember that self-control is a skill—and like any skill, you’ll screw up a few times while you’re learning it. What’s important is that you keep going. “Determine your weak areas and make a plan to overcome them. Put your plan into practice, evaluate it and adjust it if necessary. And expect from time to time that you will to stray away from the plan but the ultimate goal is that you don’t stop. Keep pushing no matter what.


Stay On The Grind…

What’s Your Level Of Commitment?


What I have slowly realize that losing 40-50lbs, running a half marathon, or making a complete physical transformation very little to do with the physical but has more to do with the one key word that all of us have struggled with a certain times in our lives and that is “commitment”. Some of you are probably thinking that “Byron, I disagree. It is all physical.” Well, let me try to explain.

Webster’s dictionary defines commitment as:

a promise to do or give something

a promise to be loyal to someone or something

the attitude of someone who works very hard to do or support something

Let’s start with “a promise”. A promise to whom? Well, if you are going to truly be committed to something then the only person that you need to promise something to is yourself. There is no need for you to promise anything to your parents, your spouse, your kids, your family, or anyone else for that matter. If can’t keep a promise to yourself, then there is no need to promise anything to someone else.

A promise to do what? What are you going to do? Maybe start with some simple promises like instead of 3 sodas a day promise yourself you will only drink to 1 soda a day. Instead doing absolutely no physical fitness, maybe you start small with maybe just walking each day or doing set a goal for doing squats & crunches each day. Or even, how about I will starting making my lunch twice a week vice eating out every day.

I guess what I’m asking is “What is your level of commitment?” Because if your goal is to lose 50lbs-100lbs, your level commitment is going to be slightly different from that of someone that has already lost 40 or 50lbs. Over time and progress, your commitment level will continue to stretch itself as you start to reach those goals. You goal might only be to be able to walk where someone else may want to run.

Commitment Level
50% – Average Results, I will eat healthy and workout every now and then.
75% – Good Results, I will eat healthy and workout some of the time.
90% – Great Results, I will eat healthy and most some of the time.
99%- Awesome Results, I will eat healthy and workout all the time.

And until you get fed up with where you are at, then you will never change. Your level of commitment will be a direct reflection of the results you are getting. So if you are not happy with where you are at, then change your level of commitment.

Bottom line is, you will never be able to conquer what you are not truly committed to. Whether it takes you six months, a year, two year, or even five years, if you are going to reach your goals, you simply have to have a mindset that you are committed to your goals no matter how hard it gets.

What is your level of commitment? 50%, 75%, 90%, 99%… Leave a comment below!

Age Is Only A Number


Here is a great story of 71 year old Sam “Sonny” Bryant that didn’t pick up his first set of weights until he was 44 years old. He started working out to relieve stress from his struggling marriage and after a few good months of working out someone at his local gym recommended that he should enter his first bodybuilding competition. He took that that advice and entered his first competition only to be rewarded with some top honors. After this he was hooked. Sonny mentions that age is only a number and he is going to keep pushing as long as he can. Click the picture above!


Stay On The Grind

When To Workout

Ok ok ok , so now that you have your why, you are probably trying to figure out what’s the next step you are gonna take. Let’s start with what‘s the best time for you to get that workout in.




Right after work?

Or in the evening?

Or right before you go to bed at night?

Truth be told, it is simply going to come down to what works best with your schedule & lifestyle. First, I tried in the morning. I would get up and make the hour commute to work and go to the gym at our work facility. This was going pretty good until one morning after I had finished my workout, showered, shaved & as I’m getting dressed, I realized I forgot my belt that goes in my dress slacks. At lunch, I ran out to the local Target to get a belt after having to hold my pants up all day.

Next, I tried going around lunch time for a few days but I felt like I was being rushed to get a decent workout in, rush to get dress, and rush to get back to my desk eat lunch and continue working. I figured this just wasn’t going work out.

Then, I thought about getting the workout in immediately after work a few days a week. Then I realized that I have two kids that are in recreational sports where I would need to get home and get them to practice that is probably on the other side of town. I thought about it but I figured this wasn’t going work either.

So, I figured maybe it would be better for me to go after the kids are done with practice. Dinner would be done, kitchen would be cleaned, and everyone would be settling in for the night. I could go by the gym and get me a quick hour in. Well, I did and I came home “wide awake” and couldn’t fall asleep to around 11:30 or midnight. For someone that is already at work by 7:00 in the morning, this was a bit too late for me.

Confused and not sure what to do, I checked the times at my local gym where I lived and found out that they actually opened up at 5:00am in the morning but I was like “Ain’t no way in the world that I’m gonna wake up that early in the morning to go to the gym”, I already had an hour commute, I wouldn’t be able to make it to work time.

My first thought was, “I’ll go and get a great thirty minute workout in and still have time to go home get showered, changed over, and still make it to work in time.” So, that night I got a good night sleep, woke up early, and made to the gym at exactly 5:00am only to find people already breaking a sweat and out of breath. I completed my thirty minute workout and still had enough time to make it home to get cleaned up and make it to work by 7:00am.

Seeing that a few folks were already at the gym breaking a sweat, I figured that tomorrow I would try and get there around 4:45ish and see if I could get a few extra minutes in on the treadmill. The next morning I got up a few minutes earlier and made it to the gym at exactly 4:45am only to find that those same 10 or 12 folks already into their workout. So now, I’m convinced that maybe this place is opening up at 4:00 or 4:30 in the morning.

Anxious to figure what time they really open, the next day I got to the gym at 4:15am and it was dead as a door knob. Quiet, dark, and no one were around. A white Toyota Prius pulls up around 4:20, then this grey Jeep SUV swings in around 4:25am along with a caravan of other vehicles. At 4:29am, the girl that works the front desk opens the gym and everyone come swarms the entrance to get in.

I got it; the gym opens at 4:30am not 5:00am. This means I could work out from 4:30-5:30, head home to get clean up and still be out of the house by 6:00am just so I could make the hour commute and be at work by around 7:00ish.

I told myself “I would officially give this early morning gym thing a try. I reminded myself of once quote and that was “If it was easy, everyone would do it.” Nine months later, I’m still getting up early to get that work out completed before the break of dawn. I quickly realized that it wasn’t about how early I had to get up, it was actually more to do with what time I was going to bed at night.

Bottom line is, I went through some trial and error to come up with a good time to work out but I figured it out. Mornings ended up being the best time for me. Regardless, if it is early morning, at lunch, or after work, you will have to figure it out what best fits your schedule.

Sleep Like A Baby

baby sleep

Benjamin Franklin said “Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” I don’t know how wealthy or wise sleep will make you but their definitely some truth about your health.

A good night’s sleep is that one thing that we all love to get from time to time. Depriving yourself of quality sleep for weeks, months, and even years can become a big problem. From dealing with depression, migraine headaches, weight gain, and even type 2 diabetes, not getting quality sleep could have some lasting effects on your overall health.

Well, don’t just take my word for it; check out this blog post & podcast from Shawn Stevenson of The Model Health Show. As a professional nutritionist specializing in biochemistry and kinesiology, he breaks down all the things that may be causing your lack of sleep and gives some tips for improving your sleep. Here’s the link, check it out!

Shawn Stevenson

Meal Prepping

meal prep

By now, maybe you have figured out the best time for you to work out whether it be early morning, lunch, or after work. Now that you are working out a few times a week, you probably have to come to the realization of when will I have time to cook. Between the daily commute to and from work, to getting the kids to their afterschool activities and the fact that you still haven’t started dinner yet, you might be getting burnt out.

You probably have that thought of “Screw this, I don’t have time. I’ll just stop somewhere and pick something up.” You get ready to pull up to the drive-thru and then it hits you. “I’ve been working hard every day. I’ve cut back on all the snacking I use to do. I’m down to only one soda a week (Let’s hope no soda by now). And I’m down about 8 pounds.” So you buy food for the rest of the family and you go home and find yourself something else to eat while stealing fries from your kids when they are not looking. It’s frustrating. You work out extremely hard; you are trying to do your best but can’t seem to find the time to keep cooking healthy meals every day.

I was at this place just over a year ago. I came to the conclusion that the only way I would be able keep up with my life as a dad, spouse, and everything else is that I was going to have to cook up all of my meals on the weekend. Whether it was some sort of a casserole, crockpot dish, or whatever, it was going to have to be cooked Saturday or Sunday. So I started to Google weekly meals, meals for week, prepping meals, and meal prepping, hundreds of sites popped up giving all kinds of meal prep ideas. After looking around for about an hour I figured I would go with a meal prep plan that was consistent on most of the sites: Grilled Chicken, Steamed Vegetables, Brown Rice, & Baked Sweet Potatoes. I wasn’t real sure about tracking carbs, proteins or fats at this point. I just wanted to have some food cooked, done in the freezer so when I was hungry I could just stick my meal in the microwave and warm it up. Here is what I did:

  1. I cleaned out my freezer in my garage so I would have room for some food storage containers
  2. I stopped by Walmart and picked up some food storage containers (4 for $.99), since they were on sale, I bought 12 of them. (Pretty good deal)
  3. I picked up the two family packs of chicken breast, fresh broccoli, & 4 large sweet potatoes. I had brown rice already at home.
  4. When I got home I clean and cut the chicken breast in half. They were pretty big. I washed the broccoli and prepared to steam it in a large pot. I cut the sweet potatoes into large round medallions and baked at 375 for twenty minutes. I seasoned (Cajun seasoning) all the chicken up and cooked it outside on my grill.
  5. Forgot to start boiling water for the brown rice, then I got started on the stove. ??
  6. While the food was cooking, I washed my new food storage containers and set them aside.
  7. After all the food was done, I started assembling each meal. (Half a chicken breast, Brown rice, & Broccoli, alternating my rice and sweet potato every other meal) I had enough for 10 meals.
  8. Four hours later, I was done. I put two meals in my fridge and the other ten in my big freezer in my garage. I did it. I was done with my meals for the week. As soon as I put the food away, I felt relieved. A big part of my daily stress was now over.

Some of you are probably saying, “Good for you Byron, but I don’t have a big freezer in my garage, heck for starters I don’t even have a garage.” I’m not saying you have to do what I did. I just wanted to let you know that you have options. Maybe, you cook on Sunday and have meal prepped for Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday. Then cook again on Wednesday, for meals Thursday, Friday, & Saturday.

For anyone that asked me how have you been able to keep the weight off? I would say without a doubt, it would have to be meal prepping. Meal prepping has kept me on track week in and week out. If you are interested in meal prepping, here is a free 7 Day Meal Prep Plan for anyone looking to get started.

Enter your email below, download the pdf and post it on your fridge. Change it up, add to it, or simply follow it step by step. I think it is a great resource for you reaching your weight loss goals. So, should you meal prep? I would recommend it but it will ultimately depend on you and your schedule. I would say give it a try until you find something that works for you.

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.”